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Lost Transponder Key – What to Do Now!

Those motorists who have a transponder key will attest to the fact that it offers them a lot of convenience. We are called upon quite often at Locksmith Pro Berwyn in Berwyn, Illinois to repair and program transponder keys. You may be using a transponder key and not really know what this is. It is an electronic key with a chip in it that has a serial number that is connected to a centralized computer. Only your serial number will be programmed to respond when being used to operate your vehicle. If you are able to simply start our engine with the push of a button, you are using a transponder key.

The convenient part of this is that you don’t have to put a key in the ignition or even be in your car to start it. This means that if you want to be able to quickly get in and get on your way, you can if you have a transponder key. The engine will only start when the serial number is recognized by the system that it has been programmed to. Your car will not start if the serial number isn’t recognized. This is why car thieves have a difficult time stealing car when a transponder key is needed. Because you have to have a specific code programmed into the system that corresponds to your vehicle, a car thief will not be able to take it without the actual key that the vehicle is programmed to. They need to have the actual key to gain access to your car. This isn’t a code that can be duplicated and therefore it helps reduce the chances of your car being stolen.

What to Do When Your Transponder Key is Lost

If you use a transponder key, it would be a serious pain if you were to lose it. This is a modern convenience that frankly, many motorists simply can’t live without. However, if you lose your key, you can always contact our locksmiths to immobilize your existing key and reprogram another key for you. Having something like a transponder key is something most people couldn’t even have imagined, years ago. It is more of the norm with newer model automobiles being rolled out every year.

Many auto manufacturers believe that the appeal of this type of car is the fact that it is very difficult to steal. If the chip that is programmed to your car, can’t communicate with your dashboard, it is impossible to steal your car. If the code or signal doesn’t match what is programmed into the system, the car simply will not turn on. The problem comes in when you can’t put your finger on your key because this means that with it, anyone could take your vehicle. However, not all is lost, there are some things you can do to ensure that your car isn’t stolen. 

What to Do When You Lose the Chip

You might not realize it but it is possible to mistake your keys chip as a battery. Often, when someone contacts us, they are asking us if we sell batteries for their keys. Once we begin to talk to them about the type of key they have and why they want to buy a battery, we often discover that it isn’t a battery that they need, rather their transponder key has fallen out of their key. At this point, you simply need a new transponder key. You will not be able to use your key without the chip. A locksmith can even come to where you are to bring you a new key and program it for you on the spot. It is possible for you to go to an auto dealership to buy a new key but you’ll pay far more for one from them than you would from a locksmith. You also don’t have the convenience of staying where you are and allowing them to bring it to you. In most cases, you’ll have to spend money having your car towed to the auto dealership and then spend more money on the actual key. Your most logical way to get another transponder key is to rely on a local Berwyn locksmith.

Being Prepared

It happens every day. People lose their transponder key and require another one. However, you can be prepared for the possibility of losing a key if you have another one on hand to use. Having a spare key is common for most people because in most cases, someone other than the owner has access to the vehicle. However, if you are single and you are the only one who has access to your vehicle, it might be necessary for you to invest in another transponder key. It is easy and inexpensive to have a traditional car key made but a transponder key requires the right equipment to make and program it. However, you are in luck if you have a vehicle that will operate with both a traditional key and a transponder key. Either way, when you don’t have a spare key, it can pose all sorts of problems. Having a spare key saves you time, money, and frustration.

Purchasing a Key Online

Since more consumers purchase what they need online, it stands to reason that they might be inclined to buy a transponder key online. If this is the route that you wish to take, you can buy them on eBay and give us a call when you receive it so that we can program it for you. It isn’t a bad idea to buy your spare transponder key online, as it is sure to save you a buck or two. However, when purchasing online, make sure that the there is a return policy in case you receive the key and the key is defective. Most reputable sellers will offer a return policy, as they want the referrals and want you to do business with them again.